Saturday, April 19, 2008


THE ALTAR OF ZEUS: Gargaros (Küçükkuyu) leans back on the olive tree covered mountains that steeply rise from the sea. Gargaran Hill hosts the Atlar of Zeus, which serves as the sacrificial place to gods.It was customary in the old Greeks to give sacrifices for victory in wars, against draught, diseases, disasters and for fertility. The cistern which is a small room with stone weaved walls is known as The Cave of Zeus among the public. The stone steps leading down collapsed in time. The burial site of Erdem Dede that participated in the war of Dardanelle's is next to the Altar of Zeus.
Iliada of Homeros describes Altar at Ida mountain as " They came on the back of gold maned bronze feet horses that flies away, to the mother of monster and with plentiful springed Mount Ida, Zeus's Temple was in Gargaron with fragrant horses and people. Father of Gods stopped unleashed the horses and with the permanent and the thick mist sat down with the glaring poster on the peak of the mountain glared at Troy and the ships of Akha'ns. The Altar at Gargaron also witnessed the love of Zeus and Hera. This is described as: Hera walked straight to the peak of Gargaron, this was the highest hill of Ida. Zeus saw her while harvesting the clouds. Love occupied his thoughtful mind at the moment he saw her and Hera became the first of Zeus's nine wifes.

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